Turn more of your users into activated, happily paying customers

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Companies like these hire us to onboard and retain their users

80% of your new users log in once...then ghost.

If you're slowly dripping out welcome emails on a timer hoping that people will read them and re-engage, our team of conversion copy specialists can help.

We build and implement email and CX strategies that get new users to activation and adoption.

Just like when we:

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Designed a freemium onboarding CX & email flow that generated a 37% lift in paid conversions
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Launched a welcome sequence that gets read by more than 50% of new users
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Delivered personalized onboarding sequences that increased new product starts by 10%

Get your new users to come back the next day.

 And the next. And the next. And the next. And the next. And the next. And the next. And the next. And the next.
 And the text. And the text. And the text. And the text. And the text. And the text. And the text. And the text.
And the text. And the text. And the text. And the text. And the text. And the text. And the text. And the text.
And the text. And the text. And the text. And the text. And the text. And the text. And the text. And the text.
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From low retention

60%-80% of people who sign up for a new product never log in again. That's a tremendous amount of effort you're spending on leads who don't even spend 20 minutes in-app...

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To inevitable growth

Yor onboarding emails reach users at the right time, with  contextually relevant and messages that are helpful, not overwhelming. Your free-to-paid conversion rate lifts, and your retention rate compounds.

How it works?
How it works?

If educated guesses made it easy to write your onboarding emails, you wouldn't be here

But seeing as you are, here's how to tell if your business is a good match with our services.

"Why did the numbers shift? What's changed?"
"We need more than anecdotal feedback"

You're growth focused and Product-Led.

Your product team's worked hard on your app, and you're currently putting some effort into guiding users through onboarding without needing sales to step in.

You're a B2B SaaS company

You're currently running a freemium or a free-trial model for new users. You might also have a demo and enterprise offerings, but there's minimal gatekeeping of basic functionality.

"We're serving more than one type of user. A cookie cutter approach just isn't cutting it."
"Our free-to-paid conversion rate needs a lift. It's slowly declining."

You should want us because we will...

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Increase free-to-paid

For every $1 spend on email marketing, you get $44 ROI.  Convert more of your users into paying customers.

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Decrease time-to-value

Reduce sales cycles by automating how you communicate your product value. (Which also frees up sales and support to do their most impactful work).

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Improve product adoption

Product adoption isn't just a "nice-to-have." It impacts how sticky your product is to users long into the future. And that means your team is responsible for more and more revenue.

You're getting world-class copywriting experts who specialize in getting new users back into your product

Marketing works hard to get the leads on the page. Sales works hard to find and sell to MQLs. Support works hard to get your solution integrated with the customer's stack. We work hard to convert those users into happily paying customers.

The expertise you need to get new users to product adoption.

Claire Heginbotham

Founder of Copy Island

Claire Heginbotham

Founder of Copy Island

Claire Heginbotham

Founder of Copy Island

Claire Heginbotham

Founder of Copy Island

Claire Heginbotham

Founder of Copy Island

Claire Heginbotham

Founder of Copy Island
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Claire Heginbotham

CEO of Copy Island

Copy Island takes an agile marketing approach to every email strategy. That means a clear process, and consistent optimization. So you know that no matter how your product or customer base shift over time, the messages that you're putting out there are watertight.

Hold up... can you sHOW ME HOW?
Hold up... can you show me how?
can you show me how?
Can you show me how?

Email is the best way to keep showing up in front of your new users because it's:

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In the inbox

If your product team has told you that "great UI is enough," then your info is a decade out of date. Every minute of your user's 8-12 hour work day is already full. Users need to be reminded why learning your product can't be pushed back to tomorrow. And with office workers spending 23% of their time in the inbox, email is the perfect channel.

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Personal to individuals

Marketing is all about reaching into the hearts and minds of prospects. But you can't do that if you're sending exactly the same messages to every single new user. With segmenting, data enrichment, and even quizzes, your messaging reaches "you're  reading my mind" level.

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Email is straightforward when it comes to performance optimization and metric tracking. You'll know when people are engaged, and more importantly, what messages were the most effective. And that means you never have to take an not-so-educated guess about what to send again.

How many times have these revenue-driving emails sequences been dropped from your to-do list?

(and how many existing sequences have you ignored for 12+ months?)

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